24 Jul Breaking ground for Launch
Westview Boys’ Home is celebrating! On Friday, July 21, 2023, the Westview board of directors, along with a number of friends, celebrated breaking ground in Weatherford, Oklahoma, on our 2.2 million dollar independent living program, Launch. The surveyor has staked out the lots for each home, and our general contractor is engaged in getting the initial dirt work done and beginning construction of the neighborhood’s entry road, Brookman Circle. To learn more about Launch, go to Launch Description.
Ron Bruner, executive director of Westview, made a few remarks before the groundbreaking ceremony.
Thank you for being here today. You honor us with your presence, and we are grateful. We have much to be grateful for today. It is a warm Oklahoma day (thank goodness it’s not any hotter!), but we are here celebrating with friends. Later this evening, we will have a bite to eat and then go home to be comfortable with a roof over our heads and air conditioning to keep us cool. These things for which we can be grateful are not available to everyone, though. Across the breadth of our great state, there are young people who aren’t surrounded by friends, who don’t have a plan for dinner, and who won’t have a roof over their heads on this hot July evening. That is precisely why we are here.
Westview’s board of directors has been challenged with a vision of the problem, and visionary, generous donors are blessing Westview with the resources to work on that problem. This neighborhood will be a safe home for young people who have aged out of the systems provided by the state and suddenly find themselves on their own in a challenging world. Here they will be able to imagine a way forward for their lives that brings hope that they can act on and achieve.
We are grateful to be here today to witness this act of hope, and we are grateful that you are here with us to celebrate.
After praying over the site, the board broke ground on the project. The board members and a number of guests stayed to visit and enjoy refreshments provided by Sawatzky Catering.
Westview remains thankful to God and to the donors who have shown the vision to see the importance this work can make to the youth of Oklahoma. If you’d like to help, please contact Westview at (580) 688-9281 or go to our website at How You Can Help.