16 Jan On the job at LAUNCH
Westview is excited that, as of January 15, 2025, our mentors for the LAUNCH program have begun their work in Weatherford. Gary and Mary Smith have had honorable careers in several high-responsibility jobs previous to this, and they have been a part of Westview training events over the past year in preparation for this day.
The Smiths spent their first day in on-site meetings with Westview administrators to discuss the plans for completion of the remaining homes in the neighborhood. Westview has certificates of occupancy from the city of Weatherford for 2307 and 2309 Brookman Circle. The other homes will be completed in the weeks ahead.
In the weeks ahead, Gary and Mary will be making connections with people and businesses in the community to build a network of relationships to empower LAUNCH’s work with young men. The Smiths also began work on reviewing policies and procedures for their upcoming work. These documents are based on Westview’s years of experience in providing independent living experiences for young men.