18 Mar “I love it when a plan comes together . . .”
Now that Westview is into the homebuilding phase of our work in Weatherford, Oklahoma, it is exciting to see months of planning come together so well. We are thrilled about the progress in the construction of our LAUNCH independent living neighborhood.
On one day, for example, with the foundation forms in place on houses five and six, plumbers were finishing pre-plumbing work there. Site preparation work on lot three makes it ready for footings next. Houses one and two have their foundations and safe room walls and doors in place, and the concrete crew preparing to put the roofs on the safe rooms.
Meanwhile, off-site, leadership from Westview and Jacob Robinson Homes meet to work out the color and material scheme for house three. Robinson’s cabinetry crew has completed the cabinet bases for house one and is continuing to build cabinetry for the other homes. Local suppliers are receiving the appliances for all of the homes, and placing them in storage until the time to install them.
Months of planning make this progress possible, and the Westview team is grateful to the city of Weatherford, and the people of Weatherford, for helping this work along.
Interested in helping LAUNCH get started? Contact Ron Bruner or Terry Owens at Westview, and they can talk with you about ways you can help.