Keeping it Spiritual, Making it Fun!

Summer camps are wonderful experiences for young people! Church camps can be especially formative when things are kept in balance; the main thing is the spiritual, yet that is all the more reason for things to be fun. For Westview young men, camp provides a time and place to make new friends, have fresh experiences, better understand God, and discover the better person we can become.

Every Westview youth has the opportunity for a church camp experience. Our young men attend one or more weeks at Camp Lu-Jo KISMIF, Burnt Cabin Christian Camp, and Pine Springs Christian Camp. Each of these camps offer unique experiences for youth, where they can discover who they really are, what their God-given gifts might be, and—perhaps—the person they might become.

Beyond all of that, camp is a great place to have fun! Sports, games, skits, and singing are ways that camp provides a special kind of joy that can’t be found elsewhere. Moonlight devotionals, KISMIF Kapers, and Bible class under the trees all create memories that can last a lifetime.

We are thankful for the generous souls that make these camps possible for our young men. Your partnership with us works wonders!