The LAUNCH neighborhood

LAUNCH: A neighborhood of hope

For years, the Westview team and board have dreamed together about the possibilities of a robust initiative to empower young men graduating from the ranch to move from that very structured life to life on their own. We offered our first independent living opportunity in 2010.  That work has taken various shapes over the years as we have experimented with different ways of identifying and delivering needed services, listening to the voices of others who were offering similar experiences. Over that time we discovered practices that work and ideas we thought might be promising that fell short. All in all, we found that our work had a very strong impact on the lives of these young adults and set them up for lasting success. The LAUNCH neighborhood we’re building brings together all of that learning so that we can help young men find hope and a sustainable lifestyle.

As we shaped that work, we began to see that there are literally hundreds of other young men in Oklahoma who need that kind of opportunity. These young adults are often homeless, perhaps sleeping on a friend’s sofa for a night or two before they’re back on the street. We expanded our dream to make space for others who aged out of residential programs or foster care. The need is huge, beyond the scope of any one effort, and yet we became hopeful that we could make a difference for many.

A couple of years ago, a generous donor honored us with a gift that empowered us to find a site for LAUNCH and get to work. We purchased 6.74 acres in Weatherford, Oklahoma, and began the long, arduous process of developing that land, changing zoning, obtaining environmental clearances, moving obstructing utilities, and drawing up plats and neighborhood covenants. In January of this year, we were able to begin work on infrastructure: streets, sewer, water, and utilities.

In February, we were able to place the first foundations for Phase One of our plan.  In Phase One (see drawing below), we are building five homes on a cul-de-sac, each with four bedrooms, two baths, and generous common living spaces. Three of these homes will be for residents. Our mentors will occupy one home, so that they are able to offer assistance to our young men 24/7. The fifth home is our hospitality house, where we will offer, training, social services, and meeting space.

In Phase Two of LAUNCH, we plan for an additional cul-de-sac with six more homes, and that much more capacity to serve young men. Phase Three will be placed on the frontage road side of the property and offer space for social services of various sorts.

If you wish to contribute to this effort, you can do so by going to our donation page. If you have other questions, please email Terry Owens or Ron Bruner.

Project phases