01 Mar Support your local hero . . .
Westview has long valued the partnerships we have with teachers. Many would agree that their efforts have always been heroic, and yet this is especially obvious over the past two years. We’ve worked to signal our support in any number of ways; the most recent effort, though, is up close and personal.
Even heroes need a breather every now and then. So, for example, Westview has empowered Eric Brandell, Westview’s manager of programs in central Oklahoma, to begin substitute teaching in Perkins, Oklahoma once a week. His presence in the classroom gives an educator time away and lessens the burdens of school administration. The children benefit by having an intelligent, well-educated replacement to fill the gap.
“I’m convinced many of America’s heroes are public school teachers and administrators. Many of these people do what they do because of their faith.” – Adam Hamilton
Westview also works with educators in Hollis and other school districts in our area to equip them with classroom tools to better serve kids who are experiencing at-risk situations.