22 Feb Three not-so-little pigs
Years from now, when our young men think back about their experiences in middle and high school, one of the things we hope they remember is that they helped open the M. L. Lewis Expo Center, the new show barn in Hollis. On February 18, 2019, seven young men from Westview and the daughter of one of our
Terry Owens, Westview’s campus manager, led a team of caregivers to guide our young men through this effort: Angelene and Robbie Garrett, Bev and Donnie Leigh, and Geneva and Ray Owens.
Although we had pigs of most of the breeds present, we had a very strong trio of Herefords. Here are the results:
Keelan Coit – Second place, Class I, Cross
Kris Murrell – Third place, Class I, Hereford; First place, Class I, Yorkshire
Josh Reed – Second place, Class I, Duroc
Tyson Storie – First place, Class I, Hereford; Reserve Breed Champion
Sam Taylor – Third place, Class I, Hampshire
Eli Turner – First place, Class I, Duroc; Second place Class I Hereford
Dylan Van Horn – First Place, Class I, Spot
Skylar Keeton – Fourth place, Class I, Cross