LAUNCH safe rooms

Understand your environment . . .

The wind is not the only thing that comes “sweeping down the plain;” occasionally, the weather brings other less pleasant experiences. That’s why the LAUNCH neighborhood is building safe rooms in the homes in our independent living neighborhood. These safe rooms aren’t cheap, but they are a good investment in safety. Their placement inside each of our homes will increase the likelihood that they’ll be used as intended.

This awareness of our environment is important to the safety of our people but other design decisions also affect the maintenance and operational costs of the neighborhood. Westview is working with our contractor, Jacob Robinson Homes, to make these prudent choices. The use of a higher quality roofing material will help these homes withstand the frequent high winds that are a part of this environment. The selection of interior lighting will help keep electric bills down.

We’re excited about the growth of this new neighborhood and the growth it will make possible in the lives of young men. If you’re excited about this, too, please consider making a gift to the LAUNCH effort.