25 Jun Westview honors the Leighs
This month, Westview Boys’ Home was proud to honor Bev and Donnie Leigh with the Ed Deaver Service Award. This award is for exemplary service to the young men entrusted to the care of Westview Boys’ Home. Director of Operations, Terry Owens, presented the award.
The Leighs have cared for young men at Mitchell House for nine years. Ron Bruner, Westview’s Executive Director, observed, “Over the years, there is no counting the number of campouts, fishing trips, weeks of church camp, and visits to historical sites and museums that the Leighs have shared with our young men. We are grateful for their servant hearts and diligent care of their young men.”
During their tenure at Westview, the Leighs helped young men get the grades needed to graduate and taught them healthy life skills. They have paid particular attention to good work habits. Donnie and Bev kept their youth engaged in work projects that put money in our young men’s savings accounts and others that served less fortunate members of our community.
The Leighs came to Westview from Texarkana, Texas, where Donnie had served as an elder. After their years of service at Westview, the Leighs are retiring and returning to their native Arkansas. The Westview board of directors, team, and young men wish them the best in the years ahead.