08 May Bringing meaning to the word: dedication
To excel requires dedication. When we than about that word, Chase Dubiel is a man that comes to mind. Chase came to live at Overstreet House on Westview’s ranch in 2008. There, he lived with his caregivers Josh and Julia Birney until his graduation in 2010. Over the time Chase spent at Westview, he learned the value of friendship, family, and hard work, as well as how to have fun and how to build relationships that will last a lifetime.
Chase took these lessons to heart and has wholeheartedly dedicated himself to embodying these virtues as an adult. While at Westview, Chase picked up a number of musical skills, teaching himself how to play guitar and bass guitar. He played with some friends in a local band in Hollis, and as an adult he is now in a band that is making a name for itself in the hard rock genre.
In the summer work program at Westview, Chase learned some hard labor skills. He has taken those skills and habits, applying them in the concrete industry. After moving away from Westview, Chase began working with a construction crew in the state of Iowa. After spending some years there, he was asked to join a private construction company to help build that business. He took the leap and that has paid off, as that company continues to thrive.
Chase is a family man. He has a wonderful wife and marriage, with four kids he adores. He is teaching the next generation the values that he learned and continues to learn as he navigates what it is like to be a parent. Meanwhile, Chase has maintained the friendships he made with Westview residents, caregivers, and friends in Hollis. We are proud of the person Chase has become and is becoming. He exemplifies dedication in his family, his work, and his friends.